Commercial Properties
Primary links below offer info sheets
US Hwy 84 West in Calhoun (visible highway frontage)
MS Highway 29 in Ellisville (at Exit 88, I-59)
Blue Bird Lane & MS Highway 29 in Ellisville (at Exit 88, I-59)
10 acre Improved Industrial Site - Highway 84 East (near Exit 97, I-59)
816 W. 5th Street, Office Building
MLS page for the location above
70 Margay in Soso +/-2.5 Acres
MLS page for the location above
US Hwy 49N Magee 5.6 Acre Assembly
MLS page for the location above
US Hwy 15N at Parker Drive +/-1.4 Acre
Northview at Hoy Road +/-20 Acres